Friday, November 24, 2006

Magic Of Direct Response Website

For a web site to make the most money it must be a direct response web site. That does not mean that sites with contents do not make money. But for a small business owner the direct response website is the key to real profits.

Purpose of direct response website is very simple. It just takes orders. The customer reads your product and decides either to buy or leave. Simple and pure business. No confusion at all.

What is a direct response website?

It is a site which aims at stimulating a response from the customer. It focuses on selling a product and getting an immediate response. The response can be a purchase or a lead generation. Mostly it is in form of a sales letter featuring a product and having an order link at the end.

When a customer comes to direct response website he simply has two options. Either he buys the product or leaves.

Beauty of this site lies in easy to reach and accomplish the final deed or sale in just one or two clicks.

A site which requires more than three clicks to reach the order page cannot compete with a direct response site when it comes to making sales if they are getting the same traffic.

The reason is simple. Ease of reaching and reacting to the order.

So if you want to make good money out of your product or want to get ever pouring leads write or get written a killer sales letter, setup a direct response webpage with your order link and go.

The next thing you do is just count your sales.

There are a few things that you need to take care of. A theme based domain name and a good sales letter. If you cannot write one hire somebody who can. A little search and queries in the forum will surely get you one.

The principle of direct response website can also be applied to your existing website. Make your site such that when traffic comes to you it stays till it has gone through what you are offering. Here are few tips

# Do not post unnecessary links on your home and product page

If there are too many internal links the customer gets confused. If there are external links you have already lost the traffic before you could sell something. Design your site with the concept in your mind that your links should pull the visitor to the page where you are selling. Otherwise you have already diluted effectivity

# Your sales page should not be more than three clicks away maximum.

Earlier your potential customer reaches there better the results will be. All your customers are not on fast loading connections. Who will go through unnecessary hassles to reach your sales page if the work is tiresome? So make it easy for them. Everybody likes a comfortable experience.

# Design your site to be fast loading Everybody including me and you hates slow loading sites. Your customer will turn away before your site appears. Cut those unnecessary graphics and test yourself for the results.

I will end the article with a quote from a leading internet marketing guru ?

"A web site created out of a hot sales letter and an image of your product will make you much more money than a web site full of links ever will. This may be the exact opposite of what you have heard. If it is, then what you heard was wrong".

It was true when it was written. Repeated tests have shown that it is still true.

And it will stay this way.

See it your self.

Copyright 2005 Arun Pal Singh

Internet Marketing: 10 Killer Internet Marketing Tips To Multiply Your Sales
Hello, do you feel low because sales at your website is down?

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